What to expect in a Body Ready Method® session

BRM Seal BlueBody Ready Method® (BRM®) sessions are available in-person and online. Your initial assessment begins with your goals and concerns, along with your comprehensive intake form. We’ll talk through how you use your body daily, then look at alignment, posture and specific movements in session. We’ll take photos of your standing alignment, which provide many clues to how you can bring your body into better balance for more ease and strength, along with less restriction and pain. 

Your intake session is 2 hours. Follow-up sessions vary based on your needs, from 1½ to 2 hours. In all sessions you are fully clothed, and will practice Body Ready Method® activities to determine the best fit for where you are now. Together we’ll build a personalized home program. In follow-up sessions we will continue to work towards your goals with additional activities, paced for steady improvements and your busy life.   

Myofascial bodywork is strongly recommended to relieve chronic pain by unwinding tight muscles and fascia that restrict baby’s position. Discount packages are available.