Our beloved cannot read our mind

As babies, our little ones need us to give generously to care for them. Our wholehearted responsiveness to their needs of all kinds creates within them a sense of trust in relationship. We respond with ‘Yes, my dear one’, as much as we are able. Babies...

Who initiates birth?

Your baby is the prime instigator of labor in a physiologic birth. He begins the whole process of birth via dynamic fluid communications through his placenta. In utero your baby tracks all of her own internal development. Researchers seeking the triggers for onset of...

On target

Your baby loves to look at target shapes – but those abstract circles to hang over the crib are not what he needs. Look at your own beautiful self. Here, you will find the juicy target shapes that your baby wants to gaze upon. Nipples, eyes and faces What could...

Rotation for mama and baby

Baby’s descent during the birth is a big movement project for him. Your best options for easing labor are to move – or to be moved. You know that the muscles of your uterus are well designed to propel your baby down and out. The upper two-thirds of the...