Developmental delay
If your baby or toddler is facing delay, developmental movements can activate his innate inner resources for moving along in milestones. Simple, playful activities are powerful early interventions in therapy sessions and your individualized home program.
Well organized movements in the first year are essential for bonding and social/emotional maturation, forming your child’s emerging sense of self. Developmental movements are the basis for early mastery learning and cognition skills. These same movements create coordination and postural alignment for your child’s growing body.
Movement delay
During the first year, your child’s brain and body are primed for specific movements. Small gaps or barriers may impede your child in meeting her developmental milestones. You can learn simple movement and touch guidance to help your child catch up during the sensitive first years. There is very little value in waiting for a child to grow out of delay when outside normal ranges.
Children with very low tone, very high tone, or uneven movement are prone to movement delays. Myofascial toning can be combined with developmental movement therapy to yield the best results for your child’s development.
Emotional-social delay
Does your child have a hard time connecting with you or with other children? The early signs of emotional and social delay show up as poor bonding and attachment. If your baby or toddler is not responding well with you, she may have sensory or sensori-motor difficulties, or may have experienced emotional trauma during birth. Social-emotional delays have profound, long term consequences, since young children develop in interdependent relationships. Help your child bond with you through playful, relational activities that activate key neural pathways for their mind.
Early learning & language delay
Early learning and language development emerges from a sound base in social life and movement, along with good auditory function. If your child was delayed in these earlier experiences, he can often quickly catch up with simple daily activities to rebuild this base.
Sometime language delay is caused by clogged ear ducts, due to displaced cranial bones from the intensity of birth. Craniosacral therapy can open these ducts and restore full hearing.
Profound challenge
If your child faces profound challenges in many arenas, direct hands-on therapy and an evolving developmental movement therapy in a dedicated, long term program can help your child fulfill his capacities.