Baby’s best start

Your baby’s first language
Along with your loving care, the movements your baby does naturally in the first year are nature’s design for her to develop every aspect of herself. Movement is your baby’s first language. When you learn to read your baby’s gestures and movement cues, you can provide opportunities for your child to fulfill all that they are capable of being.

Parents can help their child move toward milestones with simple, playful activities. Babies depend on engaged and responsive parents & carers for tummy time and early movements that matter now and in the long run. 

Early intervention with engaging activities can change the arc of development, if your child is experiencing developmental delay.

Moving toward milestones

Is your baby delayed in meeting milestones, or skipping some altogether? Is she distressed in tummy time? Is he averse to cuddling? Not looking at people’s eyes? Not rolling yet? Moving unevenly side to side through his head, arms or legs? Unable to come in and out of sitting on his own? Skipping belly crawling? Scooting on her bottom instead of crawling? Crawling with only one knee down? Skipping 4 legged crawling and coming up to stand? Each of these activities sequences in, creating neural scaffolding for your growing child. You can learn simple ways to help him fulfill each of his milestones. 

Why help babies with movement milestones?

Developmental movements organize key sensorimotor pathways of the brain. Doing these early movements makes a difference for your child’s future. By helping your baby with underlying developmental movements, you can create optimal ease for his busy mind and adept body now and along the road ahead.  

When children skip early developmental moves, they may find many future activities more difficult; including emotional balance, good attention, reading and math, as well as coordination and skill in athletics, spinal alignment and dance.

Getting started

  • Where can parents begin?
    • Provide skin to skin contact in newborn days & breastfeeding
    • Offer tummy time from the beginning
  • What’s next? 
    • Onward to rolling, coming in & out of sitting and crawling

Natural baby genius

You have given me a map of how Jack’s body and brain are developing, and how they are connected. I am reassured he is developing well and, naturally, that Jack is a baby genius. You’re giving me insight into development that brings me down to a very basic level. I see that less is more, and that simple interactions are powerful to the core.

– Jennifer

Encouraging changes

Thank you for all that you have done to heal Nastasha and help our family. So much more than a craniosacral therapist, you have also been an advisor for her development and a friend. It is so encouraging to see all the changes in Nastasha since we started working with you. And more than anything, we are grateful for your education – it allows us to help our beautiful girl at home.


Balancing act

Ebony helps her daughter become more adept in early balancing to ready her for crawling.

Movement support

I enjoyed watching how naturally a child moves from one position to the next and how you can support their movement in ways that continues to help them grow. All of the ways you demonstrated activities which would help Emmett feel more comfortable on his stomach were so helpful!

 – Wendy

Easy rolling

Camilla’s mother, a Montessori teacher, sought help when she realized that her daughter was skipping early milestones and mastery activities. Within two sessions Camilla was rolling.

Help for your child’s journey