
The continuous changes and needs of young, growing children provide us with both delight and challenge. Toddlers may develop at wildly different rates in each arena of their little lives. We can sort out what is going on inside their little minds and bodies. Early intervention incorporating developmental movement and mindfulness can change the course of a child’s life.

Help all arenas of development

Support your child’s health and wellness. Know the primary activities you can offer your toddler for learning readiness and emotional balance.  Get help for developmental delay with early intervention, the most effective approach.

Health and wellness

Many health issues of early childhood can be resolved with gentle, non-invasive methods. Young children who suffer from earaches, trouble sleeping, chronic health problems and those who are listless or who are tense can find relief with craniosacral, myofascial and integrative developmental therapies.

Learning readiness

A young child learns first through movement, relationship, touch and each of his senses. In the early years, natural movements form your child’s emerging mind. Through primary developmental movements your child prepares for preschool and school by setting in place his ABC’s of learning readiness:

A – attention

B – balance

C – coordination

These movement ABCs are crucial pre-academic skills for a child’s growing brain. As your child does simple, specific moves, she activates neural pathways that organize her brain for early learning and for reading, writing and math. Developmental movements bring these all together in playful activity.

Emotional balance

Balance in movement forms neural networks for emotional balance. Anxiety is a marker of poor physical and emotional balance. Along with a close relationship with you, developmental movements create a secure sense of self. Build resilience for your child to meet the complicated,  unpredictable world of other people and the uncertainties of everyday life.

Developmental delay

Falling asleep on his own

Abe noticeably improved again after today’s session! He was able to calm himself and just relax in his exersaucer while I was making dinner tonight – that never happens!

Abe was able to put himself back to sleep TWICE last night. He’s never done that even once before! He didn’t cry, just talked to himself for a minute and went back to sleep


Calm body & alert mind

The activities we learned have helped Rory calm his body and strengthen his mind. Doing them, Rory can control his body and his thoughts. He becomes more aware of others and the world around him.  When life becomes chaotic physically and emotionally for Rory, we go back to activities. He has come to enjoy the activities and to see the benefits too. I have a lot of faith in activities now because they have worked so well. They are tools that we can always return to.

-Mama B

Help for your child’s journey