Child development family stories
Well child
Tummy time for developmental play – Alley’s story
He’s so relaxed now! – Rachael’s story
Developmental delay
No longer a passive observer – Meghan’s story
Learning new parenting skills – Mary M-W’s story
Looking at our faces more – Nicole’s story
Profound challenge
Rebuilding from traumatic injury – Matt & Jamie Nupen’s story
Well Child
Tummy time for developmental play
We came to see Catherine because our son Torgor was unhappy on his tummy and as a result not exploring by rolling over, crawling or getting into a sitting position from lying down. On our first visit Torgor would immediately roll to his back when placed on his tummy.
Catherine worked with him and also taught us techniques so that we could work with him at home. She did a fantastic job listening to our specific concerns and responding to Torgor’s individual preferences. Her at-home instruction sheets were detailed and a great aide in helping us know what to do with him. Catherine is a trusted resource for our growing family! – Alley
He’s so relaxed now!
Abe noticeably improved again after today’s session! He was able to calm himself and just relax in his exersaucer while I was making dinner tonight- that never happens! Normally fussing escalates, but tonight he fussed for maybe 30 seconds and then popped his nuk in and just patiently watched me.
My husband came home and Abe smiled and waved at him and kept sitting contentedly. Tim’s exact words were, “Did he have a session today? He’s so relaxed! Maybe you should go more often!”
Falling asleep on his own
Bedtime went much better too! Only about 30 minutes to get him to sleep and he’s still sleeping soundly a few hours later.
Next day update: I just wanted to share with you the results from Abe’s season yesterday!
Abe was able to put himself back to sleep TWICE last night. He’s never done that even once before! He didn’t cry, just talked to himself for a minute and went back to sleep!
Happy, patient baby
He was so happy all day, even with only a 40 min nap in the car on the way home. He didn’t ask for his nuk the rest of the day. He was the happiest guy, playing and laughing all day. He went to bed so easily at bedtime. He woke up only once for milk at 5am, then back to sleep until 9am! I actually got to sleep in my own bed for once!
Today he has been so happy, cooperative, and patient. Peaceful nap. We’re moving into his normally fussy time and he still is in just the best mood! Thank you so much for yet another great session! 🙂 We’re so thankful for all you’ve done to help us! – Rachael
Developmental delay
No longer a passive observer
Sean was very low tone, mostly sitting in his mama’s lap with overall delays in movement, social interaction and speech. Sean wasn’t able to lift his head up or to sit on his own. He showed little interest in toys.
Crawling & language take off
After a series of sessions in developmental movement and craniosacral therapy, including a home program, Sean’s tone began to brighten. He began to reach for toys, to develop strength and to move around the room. With his increasing ability to go for it, Sean’s language started coming in, and then took off in grand leaps.
Now I know what hands-on and movement activities will help Sean continue developing his strength, agility and ability to take hold of his world. -Meghan
Learning new parenting skills
I was referred to Catherine by another practitioner. She listened sensitively and perceptively to my concerns and observations about my son. I had a gut feeling that we were “almost there but something was still missing” in addressing his needs, and she has been able to take him to a new level of wellness.
When my son first saw Catherine, he was 10 months old. I wondered what treatment might look like for one so young and active. He certainly wasn’t going to lie still on a table! But, her treatment room was set up for kids to play with many developmentally appropriate toys.
Catherine is not only a wonderful practitioner but also a great teacher. She is very skilled at explaining how the body works, what she is doing and why. I so appreciate the way she always sends me home with suggestions and new skills for furthering my child’s wellness on my own… be it exercises, massage techniques, or ways of adapting my home to make a more developmentally appropriate space. – Mary M-W
Looking at our faces more
We have had developmental concerns about our son Joren for nearly a year. We were referred to Mamabebe a few months ago and have felt encouraged, empowered and educated through our partnership with Catherine. We have seen huge gains since we began working with her!
Joren was more interested in objects than in people. Now he is looking at our faces consistently when we use toys to draw his attention to our facial features. Previously when working with Joren on his social skills, we were told to remove all toys from the room to get him to be more interactive with us. Catherine taught us techniques to use toys to help Joren engage our faces. It’s working better to start with his interest and draw him to us.
Although just starting to pull up, Joren had started going up stairs, but wouldn’t safely go down. Catherine gave us many ideas of how to position and move slowly down. Now Joren is having fun at the playground going on slides with confidence! We are so grateful for the practical steps the home program has offered us! – Nicole
Profound Challenge
Rebuilding from traumatic injury
After our daughter’s traumatic birth, which resulted in a brain injury, I was very concerned about both physical and emotional damages it caused to her.
While we were in NICU I happened across an article that Catherine wrote. It focused on birth trauma and ways that Catherine helps children process the trauma to ease the negative effects. I knew we wanted to see her.
I was amazed to see the changes in my daughter as Catherine worked on her. She taught us and provided videos of our sessions so we could bring the work home. – Matt Nupen
Our child overcomes fear
One of the most amazing sessions for me was working specifically on my daughter’s trauma. It had been a vaginal birth but with the help of a vacuum. Since her birth, my daughter had been very fearful of things involving her head – washing hair, shirts going over the head, etc.
Catherine moved her through the stages of birth and had my husband and me “receive her” as we should have been able to. After this session, we saw a big difference in our daughter’s ability to tolerate every day activities like the ones listed above.
When Catherine worked on our daughter’s palette, our daughter’s gag reflexes became less pronounced and further back in her mouth. – Jamie Nupen
Trust in development
Our daughter’s prognosis was so grim after birth. The doctors didn’t think she would recognize us or be able to eat or possibly even breathe on her own. Fortunately they were wrong and Catherine gave us a positive outlook on our daughter’s development.
Our daughter is two and crawls with ease. She is very nearly walking. She understands speech and has a few words. She makes up games and is very social.
We believe that Catherine helped her to become the inquisitive and able little being she is today. Catherine was patient and understanding when working with our daughter. She taught her how to move her body in the way she wants and how to gain balance. The care, understanding, and patience shown by Catherine made our daughter and us feel safe.
— Nupen family