by Catherine | Feb 22, 2025 | Active baby in birth, Mindfulness in motion, Prenatal
Working with Catherine gave me the confidence to know exactly which positions I could use to make my birth natural and relatively smooth…AND be brave enough to let the medical staff know that I insisted on being on all fours, so gravity could help, even when...
by Catherine | Aug 26, 2017 | Awakening mind, Mindfulness in motion
Noticing again how often SHOULD is running behind my thoughts and everyday functioning. All the things I SHOULD do are worthwhile. But Should Do carries such a weight of judgment when I don’t manage to pull it all off. Of course, since it is the endless To Do...
by Catherine | Jul 4, 2016 | Child development, Mindfulness in motion
As a toddler, Gavin has an initial healthy hesitation in allowing me, as a practitioner, to touch him. With play and slow approach, Gavin gradually settles in to feel safe in the room and with me. He can play with shape sorting puzzles while I give him gentle, light...
by Catherine | Apr 26, 2016 | Mindfulness in motion, Somatic bodywork, Somatic mamas
Everything is connected to everything Fascia is a web material throughout the body, forming wrappers and slings for every organ and every muscle. Your heart is suspended in the chamber of your ribs. Your uterus is suspended in your pelvic by a fascia hammock connected...
by Catherine | Jan 31, 2014 | Mindfulness in motion
When we are in a happy place with the vagus nerve, the world is good. But when the vagus is unhappy, we are in tears and tantrums. So what and where is vagus? Not far away, I assure you. The vagus nerve runs the show on the most basic states of the nervous system. We...
by Catherine | Jul 1, 2013 | Mindfulness in motion
Ahh, the mulberries are dropping, squishy where we walk. Purple fingered children are feasting while the birds fleet and chatter on high. Each of us were mulberries once upon a time, packed with juicy potential on day four from conception. As little fertilized zygotes...