by Catherine | Nov 26, 2013 | Active baby in birth
Your baby is the prime instigator of labor in a physiologic birth. He begins the whole process of birth via dynamic fluid communications through his placenta. In utero your baby tracks all of her own internal development. Researchers seeking the triggers for onset of...
by Catherine | Nov 5, 2013 | Breastfeeding, Child development
Your baby loves to look at target shapes – but those abstract circles to hang over the crib are not what he needs. Look at your own beautiful self. Here, you will find the juicy target shapes that your baby wants to gaze upon. Nipples, eyes and faces What could...
by Catherine | Oct 28, 2013 | Active baby in birth
Baby’s descent during the birth is a big movement project for him. Your best options for easing labor are to move – or to be moved. You know that the muscles of your uterus are well designed to propel your baby down and out. The upper two-thirds of the...
by Catherine | Oct 25, 2013 | Active baby in birth
A woman approaching birth is on an intimate journey with her baby, and soon to share the exquisite experience of birth. You know that you can be active and empowered in your birth with good support. As a woman you have all the resources within you to own your birth....
by Catherine | Jul 1, 2013 | Mindfulness in motion
Ahh, the mulberries are dropping, squishy where we walk. Purple fingered children are feasting while the birds fleet and chatter on high. Each of us were mulberries once upon a time, packed with juicy potential on day four from conception. As little fertilized zygotes...
by Catherine | Jun 26, 2013 | Somatic mamas
While we can read books, search the internet and hear from other parents, we learn most by being with our children. Who is this little one? Who am I, in my parenthood and my personhood? We each change continuously! Children’s fresh eyes on the world wake us up – and...
by Catherine | Jun 20, 2013 | Mindfulness in motion
Here I am, getting lost in the details of everyday life, having spent hours working to solve computer tech glitches. Finally I walk away from today’s unresolved problems. I feel how my mind is still caught in crunching details. I remember, hearsay — or...
by Catherine | May 29, 2012 | Child development
Young children have a mandate to master their world through direct action. How often you have you seen your toddler try to push the full shopping cart – and be crushed if you don’t let them? Push activities not only create strength, but also give your...
by Catherine | May 23, 2012 | Somatic mamas
The body-mind connection is a new idea, but it is simply naming experiences that we all have had. Babies and young children are almost always swimming blithely around in their own phenomenally developing body-mind connections, while we as adults go in and out of being...
by Catherine | May 20, 2012 | Child development
The moveable feast From your baby’s first days of swimming in utero and throughout early childhood, he is developing body maps that give him a secure sense of self – and his first math skills. As your child moves, her little brain is receiving a feast of...