by Catherine | Mar 14, 2025 | Active baby in birth, Birth, Parenting, Prenatal, Services
NOT! Instead – open the space for baby Spinning Babies® never manipulates a baby. Instead, mothers and partners learn movements to create more space for your baby so they can make their own movements during birth. During birth babies rotate through the snug fit...
by Catherine | Feb 22, 2025 | Active baby in birth, Mindfulness in motion, Prenatal
Working with Catherine gave me the confidence to know exactly which positions I could use to make my birth natural and relatively smooth…AND be brave enough to let the medical staff know that I insisted on being on all fours, so gravity could help, even when...
by Catherine | Sep 26, 2024 | Awakening mind, Babies, Child development, Developmental delay, Parenting, Toddlers
If your baby has arrived into your arms or develops profound challenges, my first wish is that you be blessed with a strong community of support. May you and your child be buoyed up with helpers who gather around you, and may you have courage in strong hearts. Every...
by Catherine | Aug 22, 2024 | Child development
When my kids were in grade school I taught workshops to classroom teachers on movement as a way of learning for K-3. Kids love to move. Not only is this a fun way to learn, but specific movements organize the brain for good attention. I believe that children have the...
by Catherine | Apr 13, 2020 | Birth
In these uncertain times, we all want to know what we can do to strengthen our health for ourselves, our kids and our family members. We want solid, high quality information to make decisions. One of my roles in supporting families is to vet and forward excellent...
by Catherine | Dec 13, 2018 | Birth
Looking towards birth for a beloved mother & baby, we all put safety first, without question. What does safety mean to each one of us? When we start to unpack safety at birth, it has many dimensions. Health and well-being of mother and baby are foremost....
by Catherine | Nov 24, 2018 | Child development, Parenting
As babies, our little ones need us to give generously to care for them. Our wholehearted responsiveness to their needs of all kinds creates within them a sense of trust in relationship. We respond with ‘Yes, my dear one’, as much as we are able. Babies...
by Catherine | Apr 10, 2018 | Somatic mamas
We want to honor the woman in birth, to let her know that her efforts are all worthy, that she is beautiful & strong, and that she is making the best possible choices, moment to moment. Birth is an extraordinary experience in a woman’s life, and, while we can...
by Catherine | Aug 26, 2017 | Awakening mind, Mindfulness in motion
Noticing again how often SHOULD is running behind my thoughts and everyday functioning. All the things I SHOULD do are worthwhile. But Should Do carries such a weight of judgment when I don’t manage to pull it all off. Of course, since it is the endless To Do...
by Catherine | Dec 12, 2016 | Child development, Parenting
I didn’t understand, when my children were very young, about how much capacity they actually had to be contributing to our family, and how valuable it would be for them. Children get a lot of joy from helping and giving, and from being competent at the everyday...