Instead – open the space for baby

Spinning Babies® never manipulates a baby. Instead, mothers and partners learn movements to create more space for your baby so they can make their own movements during birth. 

During birth babies rotate through the snug fit of the pelvis as they travel down. Women can make many movements to make this journey easier for their baby – and so much easier for themselves. 

The uterus and pelvis act as containers for the baby. When we balance these tissues, the baby lands in a better position during pregnancy. Often mothers feel pain when the uterus or pelvis are out of balance. The muscle pains of pregnancy are a brilliant clue to how your skeleton and soft tissues are out of alignment. 

Prenatal pain is a clue for misalignment

  • Lower back 
  • Shoulders
  • Groin 
  • Hips
  • Belly
  • Legs

Your baby cannot overcome the restrictions of a misaligned uterus or pelvis. They will just land wherever they can. When the uterus is tilted, baby often has a hard time entering the pelvis in a good starting position. Labor may very slow & irregular to start. Baby may get stuck high in the pelvis. Poor positioning at the beginning of the birth affects the whole journey of the baby through the pelvis. 

When baby descends through the pelvis, this bony passage defines how easy or difficult it for baby to do their natural rotation. Your baby will rotate — or baby might get stuck — at the middle or the bottom of the pelvis.

Spinning Babies® Parent Class provides families with essential birth preparation movements and positions for comfort in pregnancy and for an easier birth.


Photo from Spinning Babies®